Parrius - Jewel of the East

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City Overview

Of the three cities, Parrius is by far the most open. They do not have a set list of friends or enemies, and for the most part allow you to choose who you will associate with. Parrius is home to the pirates and sailors of Avalon, and the citizens may choose to fight one another or fight anyone else.


Patron: Diomedes, God of War


List of Current Barons

Don Quix Outros, The Man of La Parrius

Dark Dante

Agarwain, the Firebrand

Mysterin, Star of the Night 

The Guilds of Parrius


Current Guildmaster: Mysterin

Guild Patron: The Good Samaritan

Profession: Seer



Current Guildmaster: Dante

Guild Patron: None

Profession: Loremaster



Current Guildmaster: Argarwain

Guild Patron: Diomedes, God of War

Profession: Mage



Current Guildmaster: Outros

Guild Patron: Diomedes, God of War

Profession: Knight

Parrian CCCs

Lady Augustine of Parrius

Celine, lady in waiting

The High Counsellor of Parrius

Walrus, the Guildmaster

A Gnarled Old Sailor

Catarrus, the celebrated boatswain of the Parrian merchant fleet

Giga, the Wrestler

Recent Events in Parrius

03/30/07: An election to replace the baron, Outros has begun, with Darklight, Borrak, Maerad, and Malakar as the candidates.

03/27/07: Mysterin wins the election, obtaining 6/6 votes casted.

03/20/07: Four citizens have questioned the baroness, Boadicea. An election between Mysterin, Borrak, Maerad, and Gina is started.

03/07: Mercinae's baron, Zaifoglou, batters Agarwain, who later removes the troops from Knightswood and all is calm again.

03/07: A troop of Parrians, lead by Agarwain invade Knightswood.